We recall from chapter 1 that Naomi prayed that her bereaved daughters-in-law “will find rest in the home of another husband” in Moab (1:9). Still, Ruth followed Naomi to Bethlehem where she was favoured to glean from the field of a kind guardian-redeemer, Boaz (2:3). But there is another guardian-redeemer (3:12) who is closer to Ruth and Naomi’s family than Boaz. Imagine the sense of uncertainty!
So, amid such uncertainty, how would Ruth be assured of finding that rest? And like Ruth, how are we assured of rest, whatever our life’s journey? In today’s passage, Ruth is assured by Naomi’s counsel and Boaz’s promise.
- Naomi counseled Ruth…
Naomi then guides Ruth on what she must do—dress up, uncover/lie at his feet at sleep and see what he says (v3-8). An indication of marriage by mirroring God’s provision of Eve to Adam at rest. Or a way of saying: dress up, get down on one knee and see what she says (our 21st-century way of keen interest, aka proposal).
Ruth does everything Naomi says (v5-6), showing interest in Boaz, though Bob is a closer relative and might even have been as young as she was (implied from v10). And yet she does all Naomi says. Why? Verse 10 says; out of kindness for Naomi.
Naomi’s counsel represents God’s Word, guiding us towards God’s best. Like Ruth, our love for God should always motivate a response of obedience to His Word. And as Ruth’s noble character was known to all (v11), we should be known for our obedience to God’s word, wherein lies the blessed assurance of God's rest in times of uncertainties.
- Boaz made Ruth a promise…
In the same way, every time we, through God’s word, draw nearer to our faithful redeemer, Jesus, we meet the unchanging promises of God (2 Corinthians 1:20 NKJV). And he says to us, “I have done it”—His promises are yes and amen! We find our assurance in God’s word and His promises.
Just as Ruth, amid uncertainty, was assured of finding rest by counsel and promise, we, too, amid uncertainties, are assured of rest by God’s word and His promises in Christ.
Reflect & Pray
What are some uncertainties you face? How might the faithfulness of God lead you to
wait/trust in His promises?
Thank You, Father, for all your promises in Christ. Please help us always to trust and obey, knowing we have
a faithful redeemer who will do it because he has done it, amen.
God bless you exceedingly,
“Your promise gives me life. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my
path.” Psalm 119:50, 105 ESV.