1 Peter 4:1-19 NIV.
Many times, whether we are effective in something depends on our attitude. In referring to Christian suffering
(v16), Peter begins the passage by saying: have the attitude of Christ in suffering (v1). So, what is Christ's
attitude in suffering?
Attitude is the way one feels or thinks about something. So, how did Christ feel or think about His suffering? And
so, how should we feel or think about our suffering?
Like Christ, we should feel that our suffering is for:
The Christian life is one lived for the will of God (v2)—a Christ-like rather than sinful living (v1-3). This kind
of life comes with suffering because it does not conform to the world's sinful ways (v4). But the one living in
God's will is done with sin and, therefore, has escaped God's sure judgment (v5-6). When in the face of trials, like
Jesus, we are to commit ourselves to God in
prayer (v19, Luke 23:46) so that our minds are continually
renewed and aligned to God's will.
- God's grace at work (v7-11).
Christ demonstrated God's loving grace by His life and death on the cross. Similarly, we imitate Christ's attitude
of showing God's grace when in trials we faithfully serve and love one another with various gifts (v8-11). Also,
such sacrificial service brings glory to God (v11) and, with
prayer, ushers in God's Kingdom (v7).
Our suffering as Christians brings God glory. The section looks to "when God's glory is revealed" (v13b) as a
motivation to
rejoice in suffering (v13a). But that future time of God's glory is also the time of judgment
(v17-18). So why look to judgment with rejoicing? Because "...the Spirit of Glory and of God rests on you" (v14).
And this is your assurance of resurrection (Romans 8:11). God's glory is your living hope.
In trials, have Christ's attitude - prayerfully rejoicing in suffering as God's will and God's grace at work for
God's glory which is your living hope.
Reflect & Pray
What attitude do you have toward suffering? How do these attitudes of Christ help you pray
and rejoice in suffering?
Father, help us have Christ's attitude in our suffering in Jesus' name, amen.
God bless you exceedingly,