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Making the best use of time

Making the best use of time
Ephesians 5:13-18.

Recently I visited the Cotswolds, SW England countryside, for a week. Before my visit, a few friends had made a long list of attractions, but I could only cross off two. So much to see in so little time!

In His letter encouraging the Church at Ephesus, Paul reminds them that the Christian life is like that holiday visit: a life requiring the best use of time - an intentional living (15-18). But, first, the passage reminds them of their identity as light.

  • An illuminated life.
Anyone in Christ has become light - through Christ illuminating them from the dead into life (13-14). So then, as a light, be very careful how you live: 

  • An intentional life.
As a light, make the best use of time (15-16) by: 
  • Doing God's will, v17. Don't live carelessly [MSG]. But seek to understand what His Word says about different issues of life. Involve God in your everyday.
  • Being filled with the Spirit, v18. Don't get drunk with wine, which leads to sin. But be filled with the Holy Spirit, which leads to Christ-like living (18-20).
The passage instructs us to live wisely because the days are evil (16). It's like the weather forecast, which tells you that the next two days will be rainy, so you know to be prepared. And if unprepared, you get wet.

Similarly, because the days are evil, unintentional living leaves one vulnerable to the distractions of evil. Therefore, as light, we must be intentional - in doing God's will and being filled with the Spirit (17-18).

Reflect & Pray
How might Paul's encouragement to Believers on intentional living encourage you to use your time best?
Come Holy Spirit. Fill us.

God bless you exceedingly,

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