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Showing posts from September, 2014

A Warm Welcome to Worship

Just want to say huge thanks to the guys here for letting me share in their life groups. Studying 2 Timothy 3 with y’all was good fun, and great privilege as well. As for the session on The Revelation of the Cross, we’ll be spreading the blog version across the months – for a bit of mix, this will also allow enough time for study groups to ponder on it, or to do what they do :) OK, praise God for a new month. It’s almost a week into September, and it’s back to business as usual as our most cherished summer breaks are over. Well, hope you enjoyed yours? Most of us “speaking for myself :)”, are still trying to cope with the sudden change in weather or even, anticipating the coping process, hahaha. If it is a comfort; there are so many coping anticipations in scriptures, though not much to do with weather, but relevant enough to learn from. Isaiah 56 is one of those scriptures. Isaiah 56:1-8 [NIV] 1 This is what the Lord says: “Maintain justice and do what is right, for my salvati...