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The New Packed Lunch

I probably should have called this post - reaching out or evangelism, but anyways you get the idea. Well, the story is about my 'one-time' packed lunch at college.

Did you ever have a favorite packed lunch when you were at school? You can also recall that there was a range of types that students brought to school (e.g. sandwiches, noodles, macaroni, yeah stuff like that). One morning, my Mum suggested the 'non-conventional' pack lunch, for a change - sounded like a joke, but one day I took on the challenge - it was 'Garri and Soup'. You'd probably be laughing by now if you were African, there you go. Google it, just so we're on the same page.

The next chapter of the story was my arrival at school with the packed lunch - more specifically the lunch break. The usual sandwiches or noodles would fit in a small portable plate, but this time I brought a food flask. WOW, good memories. When I opened the flask, at first my friends had a good laugh, but the fragrance of the food drew them to taste it. Before I knew it, they were almost done with my meal, I had to go half-fed. Yes! they enjoyed it.

Guess what happened the next day, [yep, guessed right] my friends had 'Garri and Soup' as packed lunch.

I believe the Word of God (the Bible) is the new packed lunch for everyone. Sometimes, we may be reserved from sharing it, but when we share, it's always nourishing. The Psalmist in Psalm 119:103 recognises this truth, in his prayer to God: "How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"

So are you hungry or have you got a hungry friend? Or maybe, you are tired of same old stuff? Why not try the new packed lunch. Lamentations 3:22-23 records: his mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness.

Remain forever blessed.

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