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Full-time: My Days Also

There is no one formula to worship, but there is a biblical principle. As Jesus said: true worship is in spirit and in truth (John 4:23). I love to see and explain the 'in truth' bit as 'full-time'.

Just a wee story for ya:
Once upon a time... well, let's just get to the story... during my undergraduate study, as a Christian student, I mean, a proper Christian student, I enjoyed fellowship with friends. So we would usually meet in the evenings - pray, sing songs, study the word and what have you - complete church style 'worship' as you would have it. In fact, interestingly, at several occasions there were experiences of intense presence of the Holy Spirit in our meetings (we were five, sometimes a sixth or seventh made the meeting).
I was meditating one time, while feeling good with myself, as we all do, God was inviting me to live life to the full (not just at evenings). John 10:10 records 'life to the full' [niv] not 'life in the night' or 'life on Sundays'.

I was like a Christian on night shifts (get a grip, if you're laughing at me :), but you know what, that's what most of us do - not good, oh not good.

You know, I don't want to be a Christian at night, or a Christian on Sundays, or an event-oriented Christian. I want to be the real deal, and the real deal is full-time, continuous and persistent. I'm always reminded of the statement of Jesus in John 8:31. Jesus was teaching in John 8 to a multitude, the Bible says: many believed. You know what Jesus did, He turned to those that believed and said (verse 31) "...If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed", WOW. He did not say to them you are my disciples since you believe, but he presented to them the 'call to commitment'.
[Well, I had to pray the prayer of total surrender, all over again - and meant it. This time I made God know that I was ready for full-time and He could have my days also, not just nights.]

You seek God, but then God continually seeks you (John 4:23). Draw near to God and he will draw near to you, the bible says in James 4:8.

I'm gonna tell you friends something quickly; we cannot live the abundant life without the Holy Spirit. You can pray a simple prayer "Dear Holy Spirit fill me anew. Take all of me; consecrate and use for your purpose."

Remain forever blessed.

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