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Holiness: His Identity. Pt. 1

The Word of God reveals God in several ways:
»Through His acts, and
»Through His commands.
We can speak of whom He is through these revealing ways. The bible reveals that:
God is Love [1 John 4]...
God is Gracious [grace] [Hebrews 4]...
God is Justice [Deuteronomy 32]...
God is Mercy [Psalms 51,136]...
God is Wrath [Nehemiah 1]...
God is Good [Psalms 100,106]...
All these are embedded in one: His Holiness; which reveals his totality, his divine identity [Revelation].
His acts and commands of love, grace, wrath, ... are due to his nature of Holiness.
This nature of God is heritable [and it's a process that is very much viable - Sanctification Process]
You could attempt love without His divine nature, you could be merciful without His divine nature, anyone could try to be good, BUT without brokeness, without His Sanctification Process, you CANNOT be holy, because it is inputed not collected.
A revelation in the beatitude [Matthew 5] is that it talks about one thing [holiness];
v6 answers the "how to get it question". Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
»The first key phrase is neither "hunger" nor "thirst" nor "hunger or thirst" but "hunger and thirst".
»Next key phrase "...for they shall be filled".
Filled with what? Good question. Filled with his nature. This is because, when you hunger and thirst for His identity, He reveales His fullness in you (continuous process).
His fullness in the sense that: You just love like He does, hate sin like he does, be good as he is... and the beauty of that message by Jesus is he finally concluded it with clarity (v48) you will be perfect as He is. «Now that is real Zoe in its abundance».
PS. Ensure to read the continuation (Pt. 2) of this post on release.
Remain forever blessed.
[Read on: Discover God's totality and start living in his fullness today.]

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