Ruth 1:1-22 NIV. I hope you had an enjoyable Christmas break. Happy New Year! The Book of Ruth has been called the most beautiful short story ever written because of its simple narrative. A narrative that shows how God’s provision for our needs or challenges is often woven into the simple acts of human kindness. The passage begins by introducing us to Naomi’s loss… Naomi lost her family… When Naomi (which means pleasant) is first introduced, we are told of her loss. A woman in a foreign land who lost her family (v1-5). She feels bitter, empty and afflicted by the Lord (v21). Why so? …Because Naomi knows Israel’s God to be the Almighty—Sovereign. He can bring famine to a disobedient Israel (v1) and relieve it (v6). So, God chose this for me—“the Lord has afflicted me” (v20-21). But could this be? Ruth shows Naomi ...
Revelation 5:13, 22:1-5. [Series on: The Blessed] Scriptures associate "blessed" with disciples, creation, the church, and God. But often, when associated with God, we see the phrase "blessed forever". The passage in Revelation uses eternal worship and reward to show us God's eternal blessedness. Eternal worship The passage (in Rev 5:13) records the very words of every creature in heaven and on earth at the sight of God—at the throne of the Father and the Lamb (Jesus); "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honour and glory and might forever and ever!" This truth about God being blessed forever is echoed throughout Scripture (Psalms 89:52, 113:2, Romans 9:5, 2 Corinthians 11:31). This conveys the eternal worship due to God. It also speaks of God as the source of eternal reward/blessings. Eternal reward ...